Solar Energy For The Home The Facts About Solar Panels
Product Description Solar Energy For The Home The Facts About Solar Panels
This guide to solar panels for the home covers information about the installation and building of your own panels. The basics are laid out in an easy informative manner with tips on how to find wholesale panels, getting solar panels if you are a renter, use of solar energy for your pool and much more. I was looking for some basic information about solar panels. I don't like to be misinformed when contractors come to my house. This book covered all the basics on what to look for and how to buy panels. I found it to be helpful. Some of the books I looked at were more expensive and were either for engineers or DIY people who want to build panels from scratch. Not my cup of tea and I am not about to climb up on my roof. So if you are looking for a book with a bunch of diagrams and such, this one is not it. But it did help me to talk to people and get estimates, and since I knew nothing about solar panels or contractors, that made it worth the price.There is also information on solar panels for renters and for your RV if you are interested. Solar Energy For The Home: The Facts About Solar Panels